These are some of the results of CF's yearly survey of all its members. The survey also shows that experience pays off in the form of a higher salary and that more responsibilities and a change of employer are economically rewarding.
According to CF's figures the pay increase for electronics engineers from December 1999 to December 2000 was 7.7 per cent. For engineers as a whole the same increase was 6.5 per cent. The average monthly salary for electronics engineers is SEK38,700 ($3,870), which is SEK2,500 more than the average monthly salary for all engineers.
Engineers working in Sweden's three major cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö earn more than those in the rest of the country. In Stockholm, an electronics engineer earns on average SEK41,500 a month, which is SEK5,000 more than an engineer elsewhere. In Gothenburg and Malmö the average salary is SEK36,700.
On the whole, the CF survey confirms the results of Elektroniktidningen's own smaller scale survey, which has been the feature of several articles in earlier issues of the magazine.
Gittan Cedervall