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In a few weeks, it's party-time at ADC's laser chip plant in Järfälla outside Stockholm. Then, the first chips will be hot off the new production line. But as volume production ramps up, co-founder Lennart Ramberg leaves the helm to make room for new American CEO Troy Veitenheimer.
Since American ADC's take-over, customers are flocking to Swedish laser chip specialist Altitun. However, co-founder Lennart Ramberg, prepares to leave his post as CEO, since he sees himself as a "start-up guy" and argues that the creation of a bigger organisation requires a CEO with experience from large corporations.

Lennart Ramberg founded Altitun in 1997, together with four research colleagues, and in May last year the company was snapped up by American ADC for as much as SEK8bn.

The laser chips are produced in indium phosphide, InP, on two-inch wafers. Since the lasers are so tiny there is still room for some 1,500 chips on each wafer. So far, the laser chips have been produced in a lab in Kista. But already before the ADC take-over, large-scale production facilities had been rented at Mitel's Järfälla semiconductor plant.

According to Ramberg production will ramp up much quicker than expected. By October, the production rate will reach 60,000 units per year, which is three times the rate set out by the now year-old plan. Priced at some SEK20,000 each, the lasers will soon make the company reach a turnover of billions. All this has also required additional investment, but as Ramberg puts it:

"Capital funding is no longer a problem for us."

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
