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Magazine, on-line news and e-mail newsletter

Elektroniktidningen’s business concept is to provide Swedish design engineers, and other professionals within the Swedish electronics industry, with qualifed news, sharp analysis and in-depth technical articles. We cover these primary topics: Internet of Things, embedded systems, power, energy, distribution, automotive, communication, medical, components, manufacturing and test & measurement.
Elektroniktidningen has a magazine, a website and a much appreciated e-mail newsletter that gives the readers the latest industry news. Through this mix of media channels, we are able to satisfy different kinds of needs for information. In our magazine, we publish longer articles, interviews and deeper analyses. Each issue is dedicated to a special feature where we choose to detail a specific technical subject or application area.
Our website and our daily newsletter complements the magazine by reaching out quickly with the latest business events.
We offer efficient channels to a professional target audience. As an advertiser, you can take advantage of these channels in your marketing.
Our monthly magazine (11 issues/year) is the only available printed professional electronics publication in Swedish.
Number of printed copies: 12 500.

Prenumerera på Elektroniktidningens nyhetsbrev eller på vårt magasin.

Kommentarer via Disqus

Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
