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Volvo is to lead the development of electrical and electronic systems for Ford's prestige cars. In an interview in Elektroniktidningen Volvo's Christer Lundström explains how the Swedish little brother will assume the role of big brother among brands like Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Lincoln.
Volvo Car Corporation, with Christer Lundström in the driving seat for the development of electrical and electronic systems, is to be responsible for the development of an electronics platform for Ford's prestige cars. However, although Volvo will be acting big brother among several Ford-owned brands, Christer Lundström points out that this is not the same as being in charge of the whole of Ford's electronics development.

It is true that the development of electronics is driven by the more expensive brands under Ford's umbrella. Profit margins are greater, which means these cars can be fitted with more functions. However, when these functions are to be included in cheaper models, they have to be manufactured at lower cost. Then, the development responsibility is passed on to one of Ford's high-volume brands.

Volvo is by no means big brother in terms of production output. But as Christer Lundström explains:

"We are strong in electronics. Most of all in the electrical architecture, the communications and the network structures within the car."

Ford is keen to make design and development efforts more efficient within the group. The idea is to make the cars as similar as possible without customers noticing.

"It would be impossible to place the same control panel in a Volvo and a Jaguar, but the chip boards behind it can be identical."

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
