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The electronics research programme at Mid Sweden University in Östersund has been granted SEK50m from the EU. The new clean room lab can now be properly equipped and research funding is secured for the next three years.
Jepp, Jämtland's Electronics Production Project, is entering a new phase. Thanks to a one-off contribution of SEK50m (approx. $5m) from the EU's Objective 1 Fund for regional development, activities can continue for at least another three years. Jepp II has also secured continued funding from industry.

Amongst other things, the project aims at developing three dimensional multichip modules, designs in which chips are stacked on top of each other to achieve ultimate compactness. According to project leader professor Hjalmar Hesselbom the research is now gathering momentum.

The EU funding will help to finance the equipment for the new clean room lab which Mid Sweden University is building at a site formerly belonging to the Swedish Army. The project already has a smaller clean room with a lot of newly acquired equipment. This will all be moved to the new lab, but Hjalmar Hesselbom explains to Elektroniktidningen that additional equipment is still needed.

The new funding together with the fact that industry recruitment is not quite as aggressive as before also increases the projects chances to recruit more research students. Hjalmar Hesselbom says:

"We still have openings for two PhD students and one industrial licentiate student, but we hope to be able to fill these posts soon."

Gittan Cedervall

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