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A renaissance is dawning for optical electronics at Ericsson Microelectronics. Olle Westblom, assistant manager for optics, reveals the latest company news to Elektroniktidningen and claims: "Interest in optics is greater than ever before."
The focus on optics stems not only from Swedish start-ups receiving media attention and venture capital, but also from the fact that optical technology is becoming less expensive. Because of this, it is now conceivable to extend the use of optics within the network.

According to Olle Westblom, development in optics will be similar to that in semiconductors, only quicker. However, Ericsson Microelectronics is currently recovering from the exodus of staff recruited by optical start-up companies. Olle Westblom says:

"Of course we have experienced an increased demand for optical competence, but increased competition will prove positive in the long run."

The company has been selling optical components for wide area networks for a long time, but has also recently started to offer components for more flexible metropolitan area networks. These components need to be highly reliable and are produced in smaller volumes at higher prices.

"We are also developing products for single mode fibre in the access network," continues Olle Westblom, although he won't say when these will be launched.

Experiences from an extensive, publicly funded, Swedish research project called BRO will also be used to up-grade the company's products over the next few years.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
