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On March 1, the distributor Eurodis opened a communications technology centre in Stockholm. The centre will assist customers all over Europe in the use of Bluetooth and other wireless technology.
Products from Ericsson Microelectronics, ST Microelectronics, Philips, Nordic VLSI and another as yet unnamed communications player will form the basis for Eurodis' new pan-European design services and training centre in Stockholm.

"We will work with communications clients all over Europe and report directly to Eurodis head office in London. In addition to customer projects, we will arrange seminars and handle supplier contacts," says manager Lars Mistander.

"Initially, we will focus on Bluetooth and other short-distance wireless technology, for instance radio-based transponders and ISM band products. Longer term, however, the idea is to include wired technology and fibre optics as well."

Other interesting areas mentioned are GSM modules enabling equipment to communicate with SMS messages, GPS chips for positioning, and products for radio-based computer networks like Wlan and Hiperlan2.

According to Mistander, no other distributor has gathered their communications resources in this way.

However, the method has been used before within Eurodis, which also has a display technology centre in Germany. So far, the Stockholm centre has only three employees, but recruitment is in full swing:

"At the moment we are primarily looking for an applications engineer with software skills."

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
