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Swedish electronics companies can now seek American radio signal and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) approval for their products in Sweden. The Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP, has been accredited for certification of products for the American market.
A mutual recognition agreement between the US and the EU enables companies to have their products tested and approved closer to where they have been manufactured before being shipped across the Atlantic.

American specifications have not been altered, but a few European testing institutes have been accredited for certification of products according to these specifications. Swedish SP has been given the status of Telecommunications Certificate Body by the American Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and can carry out EMC and radio testing and approval of products for the American market.

"It is nice that products can be certified closer to home, by someone who speaks the same language and is awake at the same time. Smaller companies find it difficult to build up contacts in the US," says Jan Welinder at SP.

According to Jan Welinder there is growing confidence amongst Swedish developers wanting to export their ever increasing number of radio equipped products. The agreement is meant to make the world market more accessible to them.

The agreement also enables American manufacturers to have their products tested and approved according to the European CE specifications in the US.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
