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It looks like Ericsson's second generation Bluetooth modules could live up to expectations following the first generation modules. With the whole module built on a LTCC substrate, the company has made it 70 per cent smaller and 50 per cent cheaper, Elektroniktidningen writes.
So far unnamed, the module was introduced at the Bluetooth Developer Conference in San Francisco, and samples are expected during the first quarter of 2002. On the LTCC substrate (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics), measuring 10.5 x 15.5 x 2.1mm, Ericsson has managed to cram in everything needed for a Bluetooth solution, with the exception of the antenna. And the module's designers have not forsaken functionality for the sake of cutting the price and size.

"The package is built to handle all Bluetooth profiles and communication from point to multipoint," says Stefan Molin, market manager for Bluetooth at Ericsson Microelectronics.

Today, Ericsson has put all software up to HCI in a flash which is co-packaged with the baseband chip. In future versions, it will also be possible to include higher level software.

The baseband chip is built around an ARM7 processor and Ericsson's own protocol stack. The digital part of the module is implemented in standard CMOS with analogue parts in an RF CMOS or BiCMOS process.

For this module, Ericsson hopes to bring the price closer to the five-dollar mark set up as a guide price for Bluetooth in order to stand a chance as a cable substitute. However, Ericsson's module is still likely to be more than twice as expensive as solutions from Spirea, Motorola and Transilica.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
