Contributed articles, magazineEach issue of Elektroniktidningen contains two or three contributed articles, written by technology experts in the industry or the academia.The content is determined by the feature of each issue. A list of upcoming features can be found here (link). Each article should describe one or more technology trends within the scope of the feature, and simultaneously highlight advantages and disadvantages of one or more technical solutions. If you wish to suggest an article for publishing in Elektroniktidningen, please email the text or a brief synopsis thereof (in English or Swedish) to editor Anna Wennberg, We need your suggestions at least five weeks before the publishing date. The text should have a length of 8 000 – 10 000 characters (in the Swedish version). Optional:
| Technical Papers, onlineTechnical Papers are a series of white papers on electronics and embedded systems design written by engineers, researchers or other experts in the field. The papers are published in Swedish on the Elektroniktidningen website ( suggest an article for publication, contact Jan Tångring, embedded editor of Elektroniktidningen, at +46734 17 13 09, If the article is accepted for publishing on our website (HTML and PDF) we'll charge a layout cost of 75 EUR/page for the PDF-version. Optional:
By submitting an article for consideration, the author gives Elektroniktidningen the publishing rights in print as well as in digital form. Elektroniktidningen withholds the rights to select or refuse any submitted article, as well as edit for length and/or clarity. A contributed article: