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Swedish Innolite aims at ensuring a leading role for Europe in extreme UV lithography light sources. Together with mostly German and French industrial partners, the Swedish company plans to develop a commercial light source before 2005.
The extreme UV project has been set up within the framework of Medea+, the European microelectronics research programme. Innolite contributes with its xenon-based light source, in which laser-heated liquid xenon generates light with wavelengths in the region of 13.5nm. Today's most advanced equipment use wavelengths between 193 and 157nm.

Innolite will be working with German Extreme Technologies, owned by Lambda Physik and Jenoptik, as well as with a French industrial group made up by amongst others Alcatel and Thales Laser. These partners are to develop the necessary laser and optic components of the lithography light source system.

"This industrial connection is important to us. It will strengthen our credibility with potential customers," says Innolite's MD Bert Junno.

The Swedish light source is one of three light sources being tested in the project. In 2003 it will be decided which of the three light sources the project will focus on. The aim is set on a commercially viable light source for future mask production.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
