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Philips Semiconductors has decided to move its SiC RF chips research from Pace University in Briarcliff, New York to the new Microtechnology Centre (MC2) at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.
The move to Gothenburg is partly due to the newly opened MC2 lab and partly due to existing silicon carbide, SiC, MESFET research being made at Chalmers. However, the Philips project focuses on MOSFET and together with equipment from the US, valuable research findings are being transferred to Chalmers for researchers there to build on.

"We will gain access to process recipes for high voltage RF MOSFET developed in Briarcliff," says Professor Herbert Zirath, who will head the project at Chalmers.

An investment in the MC2 lab accompanies the research transfer. Although the exact figure for the investment is secret, Elektroniktidningen has learnt that around SEK10-20m will be spent during four years in addition to the equipment, for instance a stepper.

"It is a substantial amount of money, which means the project can support four people. The project will also involve my MESFET research group because of similar process steps," says Herbert Zirath.

However, the differences between the processes mean that MC2 needs to gain new skills. Zirath expects the first research findings to be presented in a year's time.

Also, the lab is negotiating another major project with an industrial partner. According to MC2's co-ordinator Olof Engström this is a competitor of Philips, but in a completely different area.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


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Jan Tångring
