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Optillion has introduced an optical transceiver for the 10Gbit/s Ethernet market. Volume production will start in the second quarter next year at a new site outside Stockholm.
"We have worked very hard to finish the module. Our timing is good and we will be among the first with this kind of product," Optillion MD Patrik Evaldsson tells Elektroniktidningen.

The TOP3010 transceiver is intended for short distance Ethernet communication in metropolitan networks or in internal company networks. The laser works at a wavelength of 1310nm.

However, the design for the 1310nm transceiver can also be used for modules with 1550nm lasers. The electronics and the optics have to be upgraded for 1550nm, but a lot of the software and the interfaces are the same, which means that customers can begin to test their equipment with the 1310nm module and then move on to the 1550nm module.

This is important, as stiff competition is expected in the 1310nm market. Agilent has already launched a similar product for 1310nm and several more manufacturers have products lined up. Soon, Optillion intends to offer the next generation transceivers for Ethernet traffic at distances of up to 40 kilometres. Initially, the long-distance module should have been introduced before the year-end. Now, the introduction is scheduled for next year.

The TOP3010 is developed according to specifications in the multi-source agreement Xenpak. Optillion will manufacture the modules at two sites outside Stockholm. With growing volumes, outside suppliers will also be contracted to produce modules.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
