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Swedish Xelerated Packet Devices promises to be the first to develop a network processor capable of handling data rates reaching 40Gbit/s. The company has set up a First-to-Forty partner programme to ensure there are peripheral chips to suit the processor.
Despite stiff competition from other network processor manufacturers, Xelerated Packet Devices believes that its processor architecture will enable the company to be the first to offer a network processor which is able to handle data rates of 40Gbit/s or the American OC-768 standard.

The company is secretive about the architecture. It has filed for a patent on the basic architecture and is currently working on further patent applications. However, it is known that the architecture will be scaleable up to 160Gbit/s using the same basic technology and logic as in the 40Gbit/s version. Business development manager Thomas Eklund says:

"Really, all we need to do is to speed up the clock and to adjust the peripheral chips interfaces."

To make sure that it will be possible for network equipment manufacturers to use the processor in their designs, Xelerated is entering into deals with producers of other components needed. So far, American Netlogic Microsystems is the only named partner in Xelerated's First-to-Forty programme. Netlogic makes content addressing memories and database search functions for network equipment and will develop common interfaces with Xelerated.

The network processor is expected to become available during the second half of 2002.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
