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Taiwanese Via Technologies is the latest addition to the Swedish R&D cluster for system-on-chip, Socware. Together with the Swedish research institute Acreo, the fabless company will target wireless communication chips in conjunction with Lund University.
Via's status as the world leader in PC chipsets, together with the company's growing interest in communications chips, makes it a very attractive partner for Acreo. Project leader Tommy Skoog explains to Elektroniktidningen how he and Acreo will build a semiconductor design centre for wireless data communications products. Initially, it will be financed via a public technology funding agency in Lund, along with Via. The agency will contribute SEK15m ($1.5m) and the company's contribution is expected to at least equal that amount. Some 15 designers will be employed, and if Via is satisfied with the results, it will take over the whole operation in two years' time. Acreo already has a similar arrangement with Atmel in Norrköping.

Currently, Taipei-based Via has operations mainly in PC chipsets and in x86 processors. The centre in Lund will be its first European venture. Lund was chosen because of the university's out-standing performance in RF research and the availability of skilled RF engineers in the region.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


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Jan Tångring
