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As Europe's telecom operators are introducing SMS in their fixed networks, Gothenburg-based Viking Telecom is in the lead with a new system for sending messages via fixed telephone lines. Viking's 25 designers have been working for almost a year to develop what the company hopes will become a very successful product.
"Our goal is to capture 10 to 20 per cent of the market. We believe the European market for SMS via fixed networks will be worth between SEK400m and SEK1bn a year," says Carl Schneider, Viking Telecom's MD.

So far, thus fast-growing company has sold their new system, SMSit, to two customers. The system includes a server, which is placed centrally in the network, and a subscriber terminal, for sending and receiving messages, which is plugged in via the normal telephone socket.

Viking hopes this system will take over as its best seller after the telephone router, which so far has generated company success. In 2000, the company's turnover increased 118 per cent and this year's increase is estimated to between 30 and 40 per cent.

SMSit was launched at the CeBit Trade Show in Hannover. Together with Siemens and some Italian suppliers Viking Telecom today has a clear market lead, which according to Elektroniktidningen should result in a major share of the new market.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
