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Before the year-end, work on a Bluetooth profile for industrial automation should have kicked off. A decision on the establishment of an official working group within the organisation Bluetooth SIG is expected on its December meeting in San Francisco.
Since last summer, an unofficial team tied to the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has been working on a framework for a special profile for Bluetooth industrial applications.

"The work is aimed at specifying the goals for such a profile and how to reach them," Mats Andersson of consulting firm Connectblue tells Elektroniktidningen.

At the moment, the framework is passed between the group within Bluetooth SIG which deals with the establishment of new profiles and the unofficial working party of which Mats Andersson is a member.

The idea is for the work to produce a specification, a profile, within the Bluetooth standard which takes into account special requirements and protocols for, for instance field buses used in industry.

"We will probably use one or several of the field bus standards used today," says Mats Andersson.

In this way, the group hopes it will be possible to make equipment from different manufacturers compatible. As Mats Andersson explains:

"Traditionally, the automation industry has been hampered by company specific standards, which we hope to avoid."

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
