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The fourth generation of mobile phone systems should integrate all existing systems. Development should focus on services and user demands, rather than just speed. This was a vision shared by many at the recent 4G conference in Helsinki.
"Too much talk about high data rates from the beginning can hamper development. It creates expectations that are too high, and results in systems that are too expensive," warned Dr Jorge Periera, the EU Commission's expert on next generation mobile phone systems, at the Helsinki conference.

His views were shared by several other conference delegates, writes Elektroniktidningen, which covers the conference in several articles.

In Periera's vision, all existing mobile phone systems should be integrated into one system using various radio interfaces for data transmission. Mbit capacity WLAN could be used in urban areas, whereas lower capacity GPRS connections are used in rural areas. System integration will be provided through an Internet Protocol based network.

However, high speed and global standards are still in the minds of both researchers and company representatives. Dr Kari Pehkonen of Nokia, a delegate of the Wireless World Research Forum, believes that speeds of 1Gbit/s are a reasonable goal for the highest transmission capacities for 4G.

"It is a good level to aim for and it doesn't bring us close to any theoretical capacity limits."

For future terminals to be able to communicate via different radio interfaces without becoming too expensive, development is needed in radio technology. Elektroniktidningen describes development of configurable and programmable radio circuits which can handle different standards.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
