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Ericsson Microelectronics has launched the world's first DC/DC surface mountable power module to meet future requirements for lead-free soldering.
Elektroniktidningen explains that PKD 4210 SI is Ericsson Microelectronics' first product in a series of DC/DC power modules aimed at manufacturers of radio base stations, routers and switches, which use decentralised power distribution.

The idea is that the modules in the PKD 4000 series should meet growing environmental concerns as well as forthcoming legislative requirements for lead-free soldering. The PKD 4210 SI features 48V input and 3.3V output at 8A.

The module is only 7.5mm high with a footprint of 46x50mm, and it weighs only 20g. According to Ericsson, the module is the first DC/DC power module in the 27W power range to be produced in a surface mount package and to feature new, patented mechanical design that allows high temperature re-flow soldering.

Furthermore, the electrical design is based on synchronous rectification, which results in high efficiency, typically over 89 per cent. The modules in the 4000 series have a mean time between failures greater than 200 years at 75 C case temperature. The input/output isolation is 1,500V direct current. Further modules in the series will be launched in the near future.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
