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Components for optical and RF applications represent new prospects for Swedish MEMS technology as it leaves the research labs. Metropolitan networks, which have already brought hope to optical companies, could also bring fortunes to new MEMS companies.
Radi Medical's blood pressure sensor is the product most often used as an example of commercial success for Swedish micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) developers. In fact, so far it is almost the only example, writes Elektroniktidningen. However, success in the medical field means that the manufacturer of the blood pressure sensor, year-old Silex Microsystems, now can venture into other areas.

"We were lucky to have a good customer already when we started," says Edvard Kälvesten, company MD.

Silex Microsystems, a spin-off from the research institute Acreo, intends to manufacture different MEMS-based products. However, the company is also developing products for its own customers. The company intends to standardise some of these products. First out is a MEMS substrate for precision assembly of optical components. In short, the substrate makes it easier to line up a laser with a lens.

The company is also developing a micro mechanical radio frequency switch, which could be used for instance to switch between different antenna solutions in future multiband phones. This product is about a year away from being launched and secrecy still surrounds it.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
