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With its latest products, Swedish Spirea intends to acquire as customers the world's manufacturers of access points for Bluetooth. Blue Boc and Blue Roc are designed to increase the capacity and decrease the amount of chips in the final Bluetooth products.
According to Spirea, Blue Boc or "Bluetooth Bridge-on-chip" is the first device to combine a Bluetooth baseband with an Ethernet interface. Together with a radio chip and possibly an amplifier, it can be built into products which connect Bluetooth networks with the Internet. Today, this solution requires a separate chip for the Ethernet interface.

Blue Boc is intended to work in accordance with the Blutooth Special Interest Group's PAN profile, which is expected to be finalised in the next few months. The profile makes it possible to use Bluetooth in conjunction with the TCP/IP protocol without the normal detour via a serial protocol. According to Spirea, this makes it easier to scale up designs to handle more users. A Blue Boc and radio chipset can handle seven users at the same time.

Blue Roc or "Bluetooth Router-on-chip" is a reference design for close packaging of eight or more Bluetooth transceivers.

Spirea will not be selling complete systems, just the individual chips, manufactured by UMC of Taiwan. Blue Boc chips are expected to become commercially available during the second quarter of 2002, when the first version of the PAN profile will also be ready.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
