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Wireless Solutions is the first subsidiary to be sold off by Swedish telecom specialist Allgon as part of the company's refocusing process. The buyer is the American semiconductor manufacturer National Semiconductor, who intends to make use of Swedish knowledge in wireless networks.
Wireless Solutions' MD and founder Pär Bergsten is very happy about Allgon's decision to sell the company. He wanted Allgon to sell the subsidiary last autumn, but had to refrain from speaking to potential buyers until Allgon's board had come to a decision on its future.

Wireless Solutions will become National Semiconductor's development centre in Sweden. So far, the American firm has had only a sales organisation in Sweden. In the last year, National Semiconductor has bought several other European companies and turned them into development centres.

The price tag for Wireless Solutions reads $23.5m. This does not include the development of the Multi Carrier Power Amplifier. This important component for 3G basestations Allgon keeps for itself. However, National Semiconductor takes over the development of products for wireless computer networks and Bluetooth. So far, Wireless Solutions has not been using chips from National Semiconductor to any great extent. However, this will now change and the Swedish company will therefore end its collaboration with several other suppliers.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
