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"We hope that the OSE Wireless Platform will become a de facto standard for 3G terminals. Our solution is technically good enough," says Ola Berglund, MD of Enea Data.
The Ericsson-company Mobile Technology Platforms has signed an agreement covering several years with Enea OSE Systems. According to the agreement, Enea will further the development of the real-time operating system OSE for Ericsson's new handset platform for third generation mobile phone networks. The result is called the OSE Wireless Platform.

The OSE Wireless Platform will function with all ARM architectures and most DSP architectures. Memory protection will safeguard against system breakdown due to memory failure, and the memory management system will eliminate memory fragmentation. The dynamic software download makes it possible to download web readers, calendars, MP3 players, games and business applications from the Internet or from service providers.

"Ericsson will take part at an early stage in the development and will be able to influence the requirements. There are still quite a few adaptations to be implemented, but we should be ready before the end of the year," says Ola Berglund.

He continues to tell Elektroniktidningen how the development is partly funded by Ericsson, a fact which is accelerating the work."

According to Enea, the OSE Wireless Platform is the market's first operating system which supports all functions to be included in 3G terminals in real-time and in a robust manner.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


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Jan Tångring
