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It takes only ten seconds to load Mydata's new components feeder. It is extremely compact, free-standing from the assembling system and it can be replaced during operation.
Mydata's components feeder is aptly called Agilis, Latin for agile. It has a plough which lifts the protective tape from the components so that the pick-and-place system can access them. There is no need to pull away and roll up the protective tape, a time and space consuming operation.

"Loading of a feeder is a time consuming element, which today takes on average one minute per components reel," explains Mats Magnell, Mydata's Maketing Director.

Agilis should not take more than ten seconds to load, which Mydata claims will cut the total reloading time by up to 75 per cent. Additionally, the feeder is considerably smaller and more user friendly than the alternatives on the market today. It is only 15 centimetres long, one centimetre wide and 3.5 centimetres high.

At the moment, the feeder system is limited to 8mm tapes.

"We have not yet had time to check whether the technology works for wider tapes as well. The advantages of the plough were so great that we decided to use it in a system for 8mm tapes straight away," explains Mats Magnell.

The first company to use the Agilis feeder system is ABB Automation, which had equipment installed during the last week.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
