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Luleå-based D-Flow finally prepares for lift-off with a MEMS-based ultrasonic flow meter for gas from its American partner Sensant and its own proprietary Asic.
About two years ago, D-Flow hit interference problems related to temperature variations when its piezoelectric ultrasonic flow meters for liquids were tested in reality. At the same time Sensant introduced a gas sensor.

"We realised that there was a quicker way to volume production. Work on our own flow meter was put on hold last year, but now the problem is solved and the meter is patented," says marketing manager Joakim Nyström.

The collaboration with Sensant gives D-Flow a foothold on the American market for its Asic, and at the same time it is an opportunity to find European customers who are interested in gas sensors. The signal processing Asic is equally suited for the company's own sensor as it is for Sensant's transducer.

According to Nyström, the market is enormous. A complete product need not cost more than 100-150 dollars and can be battery operated. D-Flow will not sell products themselves but will act as suppliers for instance to instrument manufacturers. Apart from flows, the technology can also be used to measure fluid levels in smaller containers, for example brake fluids in cars.

The company's first solution, developed for an unnamed client, is a flow meter for exhaled air, a product for sports men and women, and for the sporting public. Joakim Nyström tells Elektroniktidningen that this project was completed two weeks ago and that production is planned for next year.

Gittan Cedervall

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
