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At the Networks Telecom trade fair, Swedish optical networks specialist Wavium launched a complete system for operators of metropolitan fibre networks. The system is claimed to increase network capacity and flexibility, whilst it is also cheaper, more compact and more reliable than today's alternatives.
"Our system attracted a lot of attention from both operators and network planners," says Carl Wickman, Wavium's technical manager and one of its founders.

Having already shown the heart of its system, the 16x16 cross connector WX1000, the company launched a complete solution at the exhibition. Adding to the cross connector is the first real version of the control system Wavemaster and the CX1000 multiplexer/demultiplexer.

Wavemaster is an intelligent control system, which can reserve and allocate wavelength channels in real-time, as well as propose alternative routes through the network. Together with the new control system, WX1000 handles network control, bandwidth allocation and protection management, as well as new link management.

"Accidental cable damage will not be noticed as traffic is immediately re-directed," says Carl Wickman.

CX1000 opens for use of CWDM (Coarse WDM) technology in the network. Featuring a greater distance between wavelengths, CWDM is a considerably cheaper wavelength multiplexing technology compared to the more conventional DWDM technology.

According to Carl Wickman the cost per channel can be halved with CWDM technology compared to DWDM. This has attracted interest from several operators and network planners, although the company has not yet named any clients.

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Rainer Raitasuo


(sälj och marknads­föring)
Per Henricsson


Jan Tångring
